Tuesday, March 17, 2009

GM's Wagoner overexaggerates?

OK, as you may have already realized, I'm not a proponent of General Motors declaring bankruptcy. But a story just released by The Associated Press quotes GM's Chief Exec Rick Wagoner as saying that the automaker would have to liquidate if it enters Chapter 11.

That's just a bit much, dontcha think? I can see some extreme paring down. I can see drastic layoffs. I can see two brands instead of eight in the United States. But liquidation? Come on. Even for me, that's taking it a bit too far.

What do you think? If GM declares bankruptcy, will their name be MUDD? Will they lose so many customers that liquidation is imminent? Or is this newest gust from Wagoner pure bluster?


  1. think they are a bit dramatic. also, why is Ford doing better than the other 2 if the so-called problem is US automakers and detroit?

  2. I think Ford is probably doing a bit better than GM and Chrysler because their lineup doesn't depend on SUVs or pickup trucks, whereas much of GM and Chrysler have a bit of a dependency in that area. I mean, look at GMC, Hummer and Jeep; all three of those brands depend on the success of the truck.
