Monday, March 2, 2009

Now I've gone and done it

I figured everyone one else is doing it, so why not? No, I'm not driving off a cliff, but in a way it kind of feels like it. Instead, I'm starting a blog for my automotive rants, comments and intellectual observations. And yes, Dad, my observations are occasionally intelligent. ; )

I welcome any and all comments -- as long as they're relevant. So, at this point, I haven't required that followers be registered to comment. I'll change that if I feel it's necessary. Spare me the unnecessarily rude posts, and I'll leave it alone. Constructive comments, however, are appreciated.

Story ideas, review requests and questions about the industry are also welcome.

And thus it begins. Welcome.


  1. Yeah! Very happy that you've decided to move forward with this... we only talked about this how long ago? :-)

  2. Great idea, "write on"
